Student Visa

Individuals from outside the UK and Ireland wishing to enter the UK to study can apply under the Student Visa route.

The UK is home to some of the best learning institutions in the world, which is why many students seek to gain access to the UK for their studies. Those seeking to develop their education and specialise in their skills can do so through an academic institution that offers courses as a licensed Student Visa Sponsor.

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The requirements for a Student Visa

In order to be granted a UK Student Visa, you must put forth a well-presented application that can highlight that you are eligible for the Student Visa by meeting the relevant requirements

A clear application that outlines your eligibility allows for an easy decision for the home office. To increase your likelihood of a granted application, we can help you create a strong application that shows that you meet the following requirements:

  • An unconditional offer of a place on a course with a licensed Student Visa Sponsor
  • Proof of sufficient funds to support yourself and pay for the course
  • Course must be full time (at least 15 hours per week)
  • You meet the English language requirements
  • Those aged 16 or 17 need written consent from parents stating they can live and travel independently
  • Must obtain entry clearance before travelling to the UK

Point requirements

The requirements that you must meet can also be broken down into a points system. To apply for a Student Visa you must have 70 points, 50 points of those points come from a valid CAS from a fully licensed Student Visa sponsor, full-time course, approved qualification, level of study and place of study requirements.

A further 10 points highlight that you have sufficient funds to cover course fees and monthly living costs and an additional 10 points which you will receive by meeting the English language requirement.

Other routes

Replacing the Tier 4 (General) Student Visa, there are also Child Student Visa (age 4 to 17) and Short-Term Study Visa routes available, depending on the course you are wishing to undertake and your circumstances.

To get a better idea of what visa option may be best for you,

contact our team and we will help you apply for the most relevant visa that offers you the highest chance of a successful application

When and how to apply for a Student Visa

Applications for the Student Visa must be made online (except if from North Korea).В You cannot apply from inside the UK unless its an application to continue studying in the UK

If you are applying from outside the UK, the earliest you can apply for a visa is 6 months before you start your course. For those applying to extend from within the UK, applications can be made 3 months before your course starts

You must apply before your current visa expires and the new course that you have a place in must begin within 28 days of your current visa expiring.

If applying from outside the UK, it typically takes 3 weeks for the Home Office to respond with a decision. If applying from within the UK, it may take 8 weeks for the Home Office to process the application. Please note that these waiting times may be longer amid the Covid-19 restrictions.

Student Visa period and extensions

Depending on your application which relates to your chosen course, you may be granted up to 2 years for courses that are below degree level and 5 years for degree level courses. To ensure the correct period of stay, you must check that your application is accurate. QC Immigration will be able to make sure that you have a strong application that will grant you the correct period of stay.

Extensions are available for students as well if you are starting a new course at a higher level or prolonging your current course through resits or through changing academic institutions. The full list of extension requirements is available on government website.

How QC Immigration can help

Our team of experienced professionals will be able to assist you through the application process, ensuring that you are making the right application that offers the greatest chance of an approved decision. We will ensure that you meet all requirements covered and will help you put together a well-presented application that highlights that you are eligible for your chosen Student Visa.

Visa appeals can be a timely and costly process, so it is important to make sure you have a high chance of getting your application accepted the first time. For that reason, it is advisable to work alongside an experienced team like QC Immigration that has a proven track record in putting forth successful applications.

Please get in touch with our team for more on how you can start preparing your application today


Can I bring family members on Student Visa?

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How much do Student Visas cost?

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When can I move to the UK on a Student Visa?

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