Apr 4, 2018
2 minutes read

Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa Application - what to include and exclude?

Entrepreneur Visa

Applying for a Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa?

Britain is open for business’ – this is the message from the UK government through the Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa scheme. However, when applying for a Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa, the process is lengthy and must be carried out thoroughly. Refusal rate is high hence you must be fully knowledgeable and organised, to make a successful application.

What to include and exclude in the application?

What should be included?

The visa applicant can set up or take over one or more businesses. The applicant must have access to either £200,000 of disposable investment funds, or £50,000 from either a registered venture capital firm, a UK Entrepreneurial seed funding competition or a UK government department. These funds must be held in a financial institution and free to be spent on business in the UK. As well as investment funding, the applicant must also include:- A current passport- Business plan- Evidence that you can support yourself financially during your stay- Proof of meeting the English language requirement- Tuberculosis medical certificate- Criminal record certificate from any country that they have lived in for more than one year in the last ten years- Other relevant supporting documents. Once the applicant has collected all the relevant documentation, it is crucial to check that each document complies with the specified requirements; failure to do so could lead to the application being refused. Check our top tips for a successful entrepreneur visa application.

What should be excluded?

Documents included in the application should be original copies, not print-offs or uncertified copies. In addition, any type of ambiguity on the application itself or in the attached business plan should be avoided - transparency and accuracy are key. The UK Home Office has intended for the Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa scheme to attract diversity and creativity. Nevertheless, entrepreneurial hopefuls must be skillful in demonstrating their genuineness and entrepreneurialism on paper and in their eventual interviews. QC Immigration has an impressive success rate with Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa applications. We can guide you through the necessary preparations with confidence. Book a consultation with us to discuss your business plans.

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